My Meditations

॥ श्री महामृत्युंजय स्तॊत्रम्‌॥-Shri Mrityunjaya Stotram


रुद्रं, पसुपथिं, स्थाणुं, नीलकन्दं, उमापथिं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 1

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who is the angry one,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is stable,
Who has a blue neck,
And who is the consort of Uma.

नीलकन्दं, कलमूर्थिं कलग्नंर कलनासनं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 2

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who is having a blue neck,
Who is the form of death,
Who knows paste, present and future,
And who destroyed the god of death.

नीलकन्दं, विरूपाक्षं निर्मलं विमलप्रधं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 3

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who has a blue neck,
Who has a different eye,
Who is clean,
And who is dazzlingly bright.

वामदेवं महादेवं लोकनाधं जगत्गुरुं, नमामि सिरस देवं , किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 4

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who judges according to merit,
Who is the greatest god,
Who is the lord of the universe,
And who is the teacher of the world.

देवदेवं जगन्नाथं देवेशं व्रुशभद्वजम्, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 5

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who is the God of gods,
Who is the lord of the earth,
Who is the god of devas,
And who has a bull flag.

त्रैक्षं चथुर्भुजं संथं जात मकुट धारणं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 6

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who has three eyes,
Who has four hands,
Who is peaceful,
And who wears matted hair and a crow

भस्मोद्दुलिथ सर्वाङ्गं नगभारण भूषिथं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 7

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Who is covered with ash,
All over his body,
And who wears the serpent,
As an ornament.

अनाथं अव्ययं संथं अक्षमाला धरं हरं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 8

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who is limitless,
Who cannot be explained,
Who is peaceful,
Who is the killer,
And who wears the garland of eyes.

अआन्धं परमं नित्यं कैवल्य पद धयिनं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 9

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Who is happiness,
Who is beyond thought,
Who is stable,
And who grants salvation.

ऱ्धनारीस्वरम् देवं पर्वत्ह्य प्राण नायकं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 10

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Who is the god half male half female,
And who is the darling of Parvathy.

प्रलय स्थिथि कर्थारं अधि कर्थरमीस्वरम्, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 11

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Who creates the state of deluge,
And who is the god who made the beginning.

व्योमकेसं विरूपाक्षं चन्द्रार्ध कृथा शेकरं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 12

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Whose hair is the sky,
Who has a different eye,
And who has collected half of the moon.

गङ्गाधरं ससिधरं संकरं शूलपनिनं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 13

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god
Who carries the river ganga,
Who keep moon as an ornament,
Who is Lord Shankara,
And who carries a trident.

श्र्वर्गपवर्ग दत्हारं सृष्टि स्थिथ्यन्थकरिणं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 14

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that God,
Who grant heaven and salvation,
Who looks after creation, upkeep and destruction.

कल्प आयुर देहि मेय पुण्यं यावद आयुर अरोगथं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 15

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who can grant a life of an eon,
Who can bless you with a long life,
Bereft of any sickness.

शिवेसनं महादेवं वामदेवं सदाशिवं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 16

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who is Shiva as well as Easwara,
Who is the great god,
Who gives correct judgments,
And who is always peaceful

उथ्पथि स्थिथि संहार कर्थर मीस्वरम् गुरुं, नमामि सिरस देवं, किं नो मृत्यु करिष्यथि. 17

What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head that god,
Who takes responsibility,
Of creation, upkeep and destruction,
And who is a great teacher.

मार्कण्डेय कर्थं स्तोत्रं य पदेतः शिव सन्निधौ, थस्य मृत्यु भयं नस्थि न अग्नि चोर भयं क्वचिथ्. 18

Any one reading this prayer,
Written by Markandeya,
In front of Lord Shiva,
Would not have,
Fear of death,
Nr fear of fire and thieves.

शथवृथं प्रकर्थव्यं संकटे कष्ट नासनं, सुचिर भूथ्व पदेतः स्तोत्रं सर्व सिधि प्रधयकं 19

Reading it one hundred times,
In times of misery,
Will get rid of it,
And reading it with a clean mind,
Would make one get all his wants.

मृथ्युन्जय महादेव थ्राहि मां सरनगथं, जन्म मृत्यु जरा रोगै, पीदिथं कर्म बन्धनै. 20

Oh great god, Who has won over god of death,
Please save me as I am submitting to you,
From births, deaths, old age and disease,
And also the ties of Karma which affect me.

थावक स्त्वद गथ प्राण थव चिथोहं सदा मृदा, इथि विज्ञाप्य देवेशं थ्र्यंबकख्यं जपेतः, नाम सिवाय संबय हरये परमथ्मने, प्रनाथ कलेस नास्य योगिनां पथ्ये नाम. 21-22

I appeal to the God that,
“My soul goes towards you,
And my mind always meditates on you,”
And then chant of Trayambaka Mantra*,
And salute that Samba,
Who is the inner soul of the destroyer,
And pray, ”destroy all life’s problems,
Oh Lord of Yoga, I salute you.”


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My Meditations

My Meditations


I am a mathematician by hobby. I created this site/blog to pen down the philosophical and spiritual ideas/concepts/thoughts that go through my mind.

I will also use this site as a repository to store the spiritual and religious music I listen.

You can contact me by sending an email to