My Meditations

शिवरक्षास्तोत्रम् /Shiv Raksha Stotram

Shri Shiva Raksha Stotra is in Sanskrit and it is written by shri Yagyavalkya Rishi. It was told to him in his dream by shri Bhagwan Narayan i.e. Vishnu.

It is assured that whosoever recites this stotra, with unshaken faith in mind, with devotion and concentration will conquer three worlds i.e. Swarga, Prithvi and Patala.

It means that he will be winner every where. In this stotra, we are asking lord Shiva by calling him with his auspicious names, to protect each and every part of our body.

This is also a Kavacha like Devi Kavacha and Ram Raksha Stotra. We have to recite this stotra daily with faith, concentration and devotion to receive blessings, success, good health, prosperity and peace from God Shiva.

श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥
अस्य श्रीशिवरक्षास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य याज्ञवल्क्य ऋषिः ॥

For the chant of Protection of Lord Shiva
The sage is Yagna Valkya

श्री सदाशिवो देवता ॥अनुष्टुप् छन्दः ॥
God is Sada Shiva
Meter is Anushtup

श्रीसदाशिवप्रीत्यर्थं शिवरक्षास्तोत्रजपे विनियोगः ॥

For pleasing Lord Sada Shiva, the chanting of Shiva Raksha stotra is being done.

चरितं देवदेवस्य महादेवस्य पावनम् ।
अपारं परमोदारं चतु र्वर्गस्य साधनम् ॥१॥

The story of God of Gods,
The blessed story of Lord Shiva,
Which is great, which is elevating,
And blesses one with four types of wealth.

गौरीविनायको पेतं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रकम् ।
शिवं ध्यात्वा दशभुजं शिवरक्षां पठेन्नरः ॥२॥

After meditating on Lord Shiva,
Who has five necks and three eyes,
And who is accompanied by Parvathi and Ganesa,
Men should read the protection of Lord Shiva.

गंगाधरः शिरः पातु भालं अर्धेन्दुशेखरः ।
नयने मदनध्वंसी कर्णो सर्पविभूषण ॥३॥

Let he who carries Ganga protect my head,
Let he who keeps the crescent of moon protect my forehead,
Let the killer of Cupid protect my eyes,
Let he who wears Snakes as ornament protect my ears.

घ्राणं पातु पुरारातिः मुखं पातु जगत्पतिः ।
जिह्वां वागीश्वरः पातु कंधरां शितिकंधरः ॥४॥

Let my nose me protected by the destroyer of puras(cities),
Let my face be protected by Lord of Universe.
Let my toungue be protected by the Lord of words,
And let my neck be protected by Shiva who lives in caves.

श्रीकण्ठः पातु मे कण्ठं स्कन्धौ विश्वधुरन्धरः ।
भुजौ भूभारसंहर्ता करौ पातु पिनाकधृक् ॥५॥

Let my throat be protected by the God with a blessed throat,
Let my shoulders be protected by, he who removes ills of the world,
Let my arms be protected by he who lessens the burden of earth,
And let he who holds Pinaka bow protect my hands.

हृदयं शंकरः पातु जठरं गिरिजापतिः ।
नाभिं मृत्युञ्जयः पातु कटी व्याघ्रा जिनाम्बरः ॥६॥

Let Shankara protect my heart,
Let my belly be protected by consort of Girija,
Let my navel be protected by he who won over death,
And let my waist be protected by he who dresses in Tiger skin.

सक्थिनी पातु दीनार्त शरणागत वत्सलः ।
उरू महेश्वरः पातु जानुनी जगदीश्वरः ॥७॥

Let the God who takes mercy on the oppressed,
Who is dear to those who surrender to him protect my joints,
Let my thighs be protected by the great God,
And knees by the God of the universe.

जङ्घे पातु जगत्कर्ता गुल्फौ पातु गणाधिपः ।
चरणौ करुणासिंधुः सर्वाङ्गानि सदाशिवः ॥८॥

Let my calves be protected by the creator of the world,
Lat my ankles be protected by leader of Ganas,
Let my feet be protected by ocean of mercy,
And let all my body parts be protected by Sada Shiva.

एतां शिवबलोपेतां रक्षां यः सुकृती पठेत् ।
स भुक्त्वा सकलान्कामान् शिवसायुज्यमाप्नुयात् ॥९॥
ग्रहभूतपिशाचाद्यास्त्रैलोक्ये विचरन्ति ये ।
दूरादाशु पलायन्ते शिवनामाभिरक्षणात् ॥१०॥

That blessed one who reads this protection,
Which is blessed with power of Lord Shiva,
Would get all his desires fulfilled,
Attain nearness to Lord Shiva after death,
And planets, ghosts and ghouls,
Which travel in any of the three worlds,
Would run immediately, far, far away,
Due to the protection given by names of Shiva.

अभयङ्करनामेदं कवचं पार्वतीपतेः ।
भक्त्या बिभर्ति यः कण्ठे तस्य वश्यं जगत्त्रयम् ॥११॥
इमां नारायणः स्वप्ने शिवरक्षां यथाऽऽदिशत् ।
प्रातरुत्थाय योगीन्द्रो याज्ञवल्क्यः तथाऽलिखत् ॥१२॥

This armour of the names of the consort of Parvathi,
Would remove fears and provide protection,
To the devotees who sing these often,
And the lord of the three worlds would be within his hold,
For this protection of Lord Shiva was revealed,
By Lord Vishnu in the dream to Yagna Valkya,
Who wrote it, as he was told, as soon as he woke up in the morning.

॥ इति श्रीयाज्ञवल्क्यप्रोक्तं शिवरक्षास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

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My Meditations

My Meditations


I am a mathematician by hobby. I created this site/blog to pen down the philosophical and spiritual ideas/concepts/thoughts that go through my mind.

I will also use this site as a repository to store the spiritual and religious music I listen.

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