My Meditations

शिव अपराध क्षमापन स्तोत्र/Shiv Apradh Kshamapan Stotra


This stotram was composed by Adi Shankaracharya ji.

Lyrics with meaning

आदौ कर्मप्रसंगात्कलयति कलुषं मातृकुक्षौ स्थितं मां,
विण्मूत्रामेध्यमध्ये कथयति नितरां जाठरो जातवेदाः ।

यद्यद्वै तत्र दुःखं व्यथयति नितरां शक्यते केन वक्तुं,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥१॥

Due to the my previous birth karmas, I was born inside my mother’s womb,
And placed between urine, excreta and heat, everything was sere unhappiness
And burnt a lot by the heat of the digestive fire.
And possibly none can describe the sufferings that I underwent there,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon my fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 1

बाल्ये दुःखातिरेको मललुलितवपुः स्तन्यपाने पिपासा,
नो शक्तश्चेंद्रियेभ्यो भवगुणजनिताः जंतवो मां तुदंति ।

नानारोगादिदुःखाद्रुदनपरवशः शंकरं न स्मरामि,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥२॥

Due to lots of sorrow during early childhood, I rolled in dirt, with a dirty body, I was always interested only in drinking milk from breasts. All kinds of insects also bit me often Which I was not able to prevent, and was also attacked by many illness great, only thing I could do was crying, And never did I find time to think of thee oh, Lord Parameshwara.
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 2

प्रौढो‌உहं यौवनस्थो विषयविषधरैः पंचभिर्मर्मसंधौ,
दष्टो नष्टो‌உविवेकः सुतधनयुवतिस्वादुसौख्ये निषण्णः ।

शैवीचिंताविहीनं मम हृदयमहो मानगर्वाधिरूढं,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥३॥

When I was passing through the period of youth I was bitten by the five snakes of senses on vulnerable spots of my heart and hence I lost my wisdom, discrimanting power and began concentrating on pleasures of son, riches and ladies, so could not think of thee Parameshwara,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 3

वार्धक्ये चेंद्रियाणां विगतगतिमतिश्चाधिदैवादितापैः,
पापै रोगैर्वियोगैस्त्वनवसितवपुः प्रौढहीनं च दीनम् ।

मिथ्यामोहाभिलाषैर्भ्रमति मम मनो धूर्जटेर्ध्यानशून्यं,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥४॥

When I was passing through ripe old age, My five senses got weakened,
My wisdom lost its memory, My body got weakened, Due to god given sin, sickness and pain never leaving it, and my mind started roaming behind,
Useless passions and desires, And so I did not think of thee Parameshwara,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 4

नो शक्यं स्मार्तकर्म प्रतिपदगहनप्रत्यवायाकुलाख्यं,
श्रौते वार्ता कथं मे द्विजकुलविहिते ब्रह्ममार्गे‌உसुसारे ।

ज्ञातो धर्मो विचारैः श्रवणमननयोः किं निदिध्यासितव्यं,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥५॥

Unable I am to observe the complex rules of Dharma daily, what to say about to follow very well the rules of Veda as told by Brahmins? I do not have trust in the Dharma and not able to think or understand them by listening to Vedas and also unable to ponder and meditate upon you and so what is the use of daily learning, And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon my fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 5

स्नात्वा प्रत्यूषकाले स्नपनविधिविधौ नाहृतं गांगतोयं,
पूजार्थं वा कदाचिद्बहुतरगहनात्खंडबिल्वीदलानि ।

नानीता पद्ममाला सरसि विकसिता गंधधूपैः त्वदर्थं,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥६॥

Having taken bathe at dawn time and after performing all the morning rituals, I did not bring ganges water for puja. I did not offer whole Bilva leaves, garland of lotuses bloomed in the lake. I did not offer fragrant incenses, lighted lamp, etc.
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 6

दुग्धैर्मध्वाज्युतैर्दधिसितसहितैः स्नापितं नैव लिंगं,
नो लिप्तं चंदनाद्यैः कनकविरचितैः पूजितं न प्रसूनैः ।

धूपैः कर्पूरदीपैर्विविधरसयुतैर्नैव भक्ष्योपहारैः,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥७॥

I did not do Abhishekam, bathe on Shiva-lingam with milk, honey, curd. I did not apply the sandlewood paste, I did not offer the golden and flower garlands. I did not offer incenses, camphor lamp and the varied tasty food to You.
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon my fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 7

ध्यात्वा चित्ते शिवाख्यं प्रचुरतरधनं नैव दत्तं द्विजेभ्यो,
हव्यं ते लक्षसंख्यैर्हुतवहवदने नार्पितं बीजमंत्रैः ।

नो तप्तं गांगातीरे व्रतजननियमैः रुद्रजाप्यैर्न वेदैः,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥८॥

Never did I give much money to Brahmins with thought of Lord Shiva in my mind,
Never did I do fire sacrifice, Chanting millions of mantras, Never did I meditate on the banks of holy Ganga, Never did I do penances based on Vedas and never did I chant Rudra,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 8

स्थित्वा स्थाने सरोजे प्रणवमयमरुत्कुंभके (कुंडले)सूक्ष्ममार्गे,
शांते स्वांते प्रलीने प्रकटितविभवे ज्योतिरूपे‌உपराख्ये ।

लिंगज्ञे ब्रह्मवाक्ये सकलतनुगतं शंकरं न स्मरामि,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥९॥

Never did I sit in lonely place, in meditating posture, And send the Kundalini,
And the breath which is of the form of pranava through the subtle path,
To reach the ever shining Para Brahma and never did I calm my mind, and meditate on Paramashiva, Who transcends the physical body, and who is the essence of Vedas,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva., 9.

नग्नो निःसंगशुद्धस्त्रिगुणविरहितो ध्वस्तमोहांधकारो,
नासाग्रे न्यस्तदृष्टिर्विदितभवगुणो नैव दृष्टः कदाचित् ।

उन्मन्या‌உवस्थया त्वां विगतकलिमलं शंकरं न स्मरामि,
क्षंतव्यो मे‌உपराधः शिव शिव शिव भो श्री महादेव शंभो ॥१०॥

Never have I concentrated on the tip of my nose, And try to personify you,
Who is naked, Who is unattached, Who is ever pure, Who free from three qualities called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. And who is capable of dispelling the delusion and ignorance, I did not remember that Lord Shiva,
And So O Shiva Shambho! Be pleased to pardon My fault, sins, Oh Mahadeva…10

चंद्रोद्भासितशेखरे स्मरहरे गंगाधरे शंकरे,
सर्पैर्भूषितकंठकर्णयुगले (विवरे)नेत्रोत्थवैश्वानरे ।

दंतित्वक्कृतसुंदरांबरधरे त्रैलोक्यसारे हरे,
मोक्षार्थं कुरु चित्तवृत्तिमचलामन्यैस्तु किं कर्मभिः ॥११॥

Hey Lord, who wears the moon ornamented crown, Who is the enemy of the God of love, Who carries Ganga in his head, Who gives peace to his devotees, Who wears snakes on his neck and ears, Who has fire in his eyes, Who wears the hide of the elephant, And who is the lord of the three worlds,
Please show me the path of liberation, For what is the use of any other path., 11

किं वा‌உनेन धनेन वाजिकरिभिः प्राप्तेन राज्येन किं,
किं वा पुत्रकलत्रमित्रपशुभिर्देहेन गेहेन किम् ।

ज्ञात्वैतत्क्षणभंगुरं सपदि रे त्याज्यं मनो दूरतः,
स्वात्मार्थं गुरुवाक्यतो भज मन श्रीपार्वतीवल्लभम् ॥१२॥

Oh, Mind, What is the use of charity, riches, horses, and by getting a kingdom, what is the use of son, wife, friends and cows, What is the use of this house, this body, for all these can be destroyed in a second, And so keep them all away, And for the sake of redemption of the soul, Meditate on the consort of Parvathi, According to the lessons taught by thine teacher., 12

आयुर्नश्यति पश्यतां प्रतिदिनं याति क्षयं यौवनं,
प्रत्यायांति गताः पुनर्न दिवसाः कालो जगद्भक्षकः ।

लक्ष्मीस्तोयतरंगभंगचपला विद्युच्चलं जीवितं,
तस्मात्त्वां (मां)शरणागतं शरणद त्वं रक्ष रक्षाधुना ॥१३॥

Hey please hear, daily span of life decreases, the youth daily disappears, the days that are past do never return, Time swallows the world, and Life and wealth are not permanent, For they are like the tide and lightning,
And so my god Parameshwara, Forever protect this devotee of thine., 13

करचरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा,
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वा‌உपराधम् ।

विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्ष्मस्व,
शिव शिव करुणाब्धे श्री महादेव शंभो ॥१६॥

Whatever faults or mistakes I have done so far with the help of my hands, legs, speech and body, also due to my actions, also by seeing and hearing or may be mentally or as per the injunctions of Veda, all these Oh Lord Shiva who is all compassionate please forgive me. You are the Lord of all deities and one who nature is to bless all., 14

॥ इति श्रीमद् शंकराचार्यकृत शिवापराधक्षमापण स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥

This is a prayer called Shiva- aparaadha-kshmapan-stotram composed by Adi Shri Shankaracharyaji

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My Meditations

My Meditations


I am a mathematician by hobby. I created this site/blog to pen down the philosophical and spiritual ideas/concepts/thoughts that go through my mind.

I will also use this site as a repository to store the spiritual and religious music I listen.

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